If you ever happen to strike up a conversation about prosthetics with a family member, friend or frankly anyone for that matter, chances are 3D printing has come up. I’d be willing to bet it may have been the first thing mentioned; “SO you do those awesome 3D printed ones on TV?!” To their surprise our answer is YES! But really, are they that special???
“3D printing and CAD software as a whole has brought something this field has always lacked; quantifying progress. ”
Possessing a shape of the residual limb as accurate as our scanners can capture (550,000 measurements per second) is priceless. To be able to have a starting point from which to make modifications, test sockets, comparisons for medical necessities or simply for patient progress is a valuable asset.
Our approach is simple: print a weight bearing option for a trial fitting then fine tune it with our time tested techniques (plaster moulds and sureform).